What's Your Darn Good Yarn Color Name? - Darn Good Yarn

What's Your Darn Good Yarn Color Name?

All you have to do is take the letter of your first name...

A - Unicorn  N - Wild 
B - Speckled  O - Glitter 
- Variegated  P - Flash
D - Mystic Q - Midnight
E - Misty R - Ocean
F - Tweed S - Enchanted 
G - Tropical  T - Dreamcatcher 
H - Mermaid  U - Stormy 
I - Blue V - Arctic
J - Sunny  W - Romantic
K - Sparkly  X - Blended 
L - Autumn  Y - Antique
M - Magic  Z - Esoteric
And the first letter of your last name.... 
A - Sunshine  N - Lagoon
B - Plum O - Forest
- Rose  P - Night
D - Clouds Q - Pea
E - Flower R - Cha Cha 
F - Glimmer S - Sparkles
G - Berry  T - Horizon
H - Snuggles U - Mountains 
I - Aqua V - Waves
J - Sonata W - Bloom
K - Ceremony  X - Aura 
L - Sunset Y - Spectrum
M - Jewels Z - Moonstone

Put them together, and get your Darn Good Yarn Color Name! 

Learn the DGY Team's color names here