Tunics you can make with Darn Good Yarn - Darn Good Yarn

Tunics you can make with Darn Good Yarn


Almost like sweaters but depending on where you are in the world, more versatile! And the great thing is that since most of our yarns (like the Premium Recycled Silk Sari Yarn) are lighter, these are great options in case you need to layer over to keep warm moving from the indoors to the outdoors! They also tend to go long enough to go past your patootie :) a feature I like in case I wear low-cute jeans!

Also, if you ever have a question about how many balls of yarn to get for a pattern, email us! That's what we're here for!

Wonderful in any of our banana fiber collections except the Landscapes series

http://www.tahkistacycharles.com/media/File/06:13_FreePatSARIKnitBeaTunicSCU.pdf Wouldn't this be wonderful in a bold solid colored banana fiber yarn?!

http://www.purlbee.com/leah-tunic/ Divine in Recycled Sari Silk!!

http://www.berroco.com/exclusives/tunic/summer_tunic.html Perfect with any of our blends of recycled sari silks!

http://www.knitonthenet.com/issue4/patterns/talkofthetown/ A personal favorite and so easy. Great for any of our banana fiber blends except for the Landscape Series.