Meet Tara - Darn Good Yarn

Meet Tara

Written by Kate Curry

Artisan Profile

Watching our artisans dye yarn is one of my favorite things to do! Watching the yarn change into stunning and vibrant shades of colors  just does something comforting for me. Our artisans carefully dip, pour, and sprinkle the yarn with practiced care and the love they put into their craft makes for the best yarn! 

Tara, a young woman who dyes yarn, is standing to the right of the picture. Behind her is the co-op where she works to dye yarn for Darn Good Yarn
Tara working hard on dyeing worsted weight yarn

Tara has been one of those fabulous dyers since 2020. On top of dyeing, she works on caking, coning and packaging the yarn as well. Like many of our artisans, Tara lives with her mother to help take care of her. When we asked what would improve her life, she told us she wanted a UPS (an uninterruptible power supply, not the brown trucks that deliver our purple packages to you!).

Rural and low-income communities in India face frequent blackouts, so many people go without electricity for days at a time. Without a UPS or a generator, people can not cool or heat their homes, which can be deadly, especially for the sick and the elderly. With a UPS, Tara and her mother would be able to live more comfortably without having to worry about blackouts! 

How Can You Help?

Our artisans thrive off of your support. When you shop with us or purchase a subscription, you are helping support artisans like Tara. As a community, we are working to meet the needs of all of our artisans, so stay tuned for updates about Tara! 

Three Indian women are smiling at each other, their arms loaded with yarn that they just dyed by hand!
Tara and her lovely co-workers showing off their yarn

Meet the Author

Profile picture of the author, Kate Curry, wearing a dark red Nanda Poncho sitting on concrete stairs in front of brick wall.

Kate has been on the Darn Good Yarn team since 2018.

They have their degree in Creative Art Therapy & Psychology - and like crafting and animals a little too much.