If you frequent craft stores and yarn shops as we do, you may be seeing a lot of bowls with swirls and holes carved into them. After realizing that there's no way something with a hole in the side of it could be an ice cream bowl and that it's an item that's used for knitting and crochet, you might be wondering why someone would need a bowl for their yarn.
Today, we are going to officially introduce you to the yarn bowl and show you how to use it to make your knitting and crochet projects so much easier! A yarn bowl is one of the most essential tools that a fiber artist can own.
What is a Yarn Bowl for?
Yarn bowls help keep yarn clean, organized, and, most importantly, untangled as you work your way through a project. Yarn bowls are also useful and a decorative option for storing your yarn in plain sight, which can serve as a helpful reminder to work on the projects you've started!
How do you use a Yarn Bowl?
To use your yarn bowl:
Place a ball or cake of yarn into it.
Thread the outer end of the yarn through the swirl on the side.
Pull the yarn out of the bowl as you work on your knitting or crochet project. The ball of yarn will stay in the bowl as you work without tangling!
You can also store your WIP's in the bowl to keep out on your coffee table, nightstand or craft table!
Learn more about our yarn bowls in the following videos from DGY's own Alan Metz and our CEO and Founder, Nicole Snow!
Hey everyone its Nicole and Alan over at Darn Good Yarn and in today's video we're gonna show you all about our wooden yarn bowl that we're gonna unbox. Here this is our famous wooden yarn bowl, they are handmade in central India and Alan this was one of the first things you got from Darn Good Yarn - a family man who likes to knit. And as a knitter I do get tend to chase the yarn around a lot and it highlights when does go around your floor, highlights all of terrible job you did vacuuming and especially when it goes underneath chairs and stuff and then you have to get out of your chair instead of knitting so that's like a pain. This is wonderful because you put it right in the bowl and you flip it around this little thing just like that there's a little swirl that's hand carved out. And there you are and you're set and you can go anywhere you want with this thing. It's sturdy its rock-solid. You pull the yarn right out of the center here, you can and I know like your house you keep like your stitch counters in here and
your markers in there as well and throw your needles in so you can keep it on your table. You always know you have it there and I can move from room to room I put it next to my recliner .I put it on the dining room table when I have to cook and I have to wait. Yeah and I love the dark wood and like you can see all the grains in it and in the threads like that. Just a little bit of furniture polish if you wanted to for dusting and it's just a great tool that every fiber artist needs to have in their repertoire.
Well that's it that's our video, if you have any questions reach out to us at info@darngoodyarn.com and we will see you all later, bye!
Hey everyone, it's Nicole! I'm the owner here at DarnGoodYarn.com and I want to talk to you in this video about yarn bowls! And we have so many different kinds of yarn bowls. I kind of went a little bit crazy ordering, but most of you know that we have our basic wooden yarn bowl. It's beautiful, it's nice and heavy. It's made from sheesham wood and sometimes- if you're not familiar with yarn bowls- we get a question on how to actually use it- like what's the purpose. And you know, if you have- if you're like me and you don't get to knit or crochet all that often and enjoy your fiber arts, like sometimes it's just nice to have your yarn out in like view like okay- I still see you over there yarn like I'm gonna get to you one of these days when I'm not chasing a toddler around like in my case! So you keep your yarn out. It's a really nice way to display it and when you're using it, you just simply take your yarn and you wrap it through this little swirl here and then you can stick it on the floor or on the table and then you just work your project. Some little tips and tricks that I like is if you're putting it on a floor and it's also wood as well-just make sure you put like an anti slip mat between that and it keeps it from just running all over the house. But this is a really great way to preserve any like special twists especially for handmade and handcrafted yarns. it keeps the twist from getting really unwieldy versus just like letting it roll around on the floor and collecting dust bunnies which in my case they're everywhere. And then this becomes a swiffer instead of a ball of yarn. It happens! Hey I'm just being real! In some of our, in some of our other yarn bowls. you'll notice that there's a little hole on the side of the bowl and that is for- it’s kind of nice. You know here's your yarn bowl and then when you're not working on your project you can stick the project in the bowl itself and then you can stick the needles through the hole going from either this way like that and rest them, which is nice because then everything stays together you can work and do it the other way as well. But since I have a project on here it's gonna stick out and be really awkward and not give the look that I'm going for. So with our ceramic yarn bowls too- the nice thing is they tend to be a little bit larger in most cases so you can get a larger ball of yarn in there- usually right around 250-300 grams. And then this is also- I'm in love with these- these are our limited edition painted yarn bowls- and these are you can see the size difference. They're substantially larger- they're like double the size of our standard wooden yarn bowl and they are just beautiful. So I hope that answers any of your questions and you can sort of see the size of what this all looks like and introduce you a little bit more to our world of Darn Good Yarn bowls. Alright, if you have any questions reach out to us at info@darngoodyarn.com or reach us on social media using the #DarnGoodYarn. I will talk to you all later! Bye!