Infinite, yes, infinite! I find the reasons for knitting to go beyond all measure. A real mind bender when you think about it! Jane E. Brody of the New York Times also recently blogged about the health benefits of knitting. Maybe I should include more than six benefits but it is a place to start. You can surely add to the list.
1. Om - Yes the Benefits of Meditation are Amazing
It brings a calm into our crazed, out of control lives and keeps that stress at bay. Yoga and meditation really do together. Michelle Dalbec of Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health shares a bit about her yoga teaching in the December 2015 magazine. She explains a bit about why yoga works for her and what helps to keep her life in balance. Michelle loves to knit and states "the repetition of the needles and fiber moving in rhythm, coupled with the focus on the individual stitches and the overall pattern, is like saying a mantra".
Yes, Michelle is so right as I often find myself completely focused with the process. I love when I work on a pattern I know well or when it is super repetitive because I become at one with the process. All the worries of the world fade away when I pick up those needles.Its so sensory! The sound of the needles, the feel and slight smell of the fiber, watching something beautiful happen from my handwork, and while I don't taste my yarn, that glass of wine or bite of dark chocolate give me a full sensory experience. How about this joyful yoga mat pattern and couple it with the yoga mat bag?
2. You've Got to Move It, Move It
Love yourself and your body will love you! Do any of you have issues with arthritis or stiff and sore muscles? I have learned that exercise is not just about running a marathon or being a gladiator. All muscles need to be moved and worked and the best exercise is when we move in a new way. I spend a big chunk of my day in front of a computer, so there is nothing better at the end of the day than a long walk followed by an endless evening of knitting.
When knitting, I get to use those fingers in a totally different way and they thank me for it! And if you don't believe me, here is an article by Dr. Barron that explains why using your hands for knitting can do you a world of good. So break out the fiber and give your hands a little loving exercise. They will appreciate the movement!
3. Brainiacs Knit
We all know that knitters are geniuses! How else would we create such amazing works of art as this colorful jacket that comes in one of our many kits that are great for beginners or advanced knitters. So, yeah,this is another great benefit of knitting! Exercise that brain, too. There is a lot to be said for an easy pattern that is mindless, but there is also much to be gained from a challenging pattern. Or perhaps you want to try one of the DGY kits? The great thing with kits are we give you the boost to try something new to you!
Whatever your method, get out the needles, and your brain will love you for it. You will be more focused on what you are doing and not turn into a vegetable! Here is a great CNN post about how crafting makes your brain...well, better! Besides, studies show that keeping your brain engaged means it is working!
4. Things Are Looking Up
So with all those beautiful colors and textures, you gotta feel good. The rapture and pure bliss of creating makes us happy. Did you know that picking up those needles has been proven to help with depression? Read about how Northern Arizona University scholars are studying "textile thearpy". The study is connecting fabric and fiber art with a positive state of mind. And who doesn't love a new yarn or two or three to play with?!!!
5.Yes! Yes! Yes!

Positive energy leads to positive lives. Creations make us proud. Gifting or creating for others whether a chemo cap, prayer shawl, or mittens for children in need fills us up. Knitters feel good about the work they create. Knitting is an act of love and through our projects, we feel love and confidence abound. Feel the love with one of our mystery boxes and bundles filled with all kinds of loving goodness. If you love yarn and love surprises, check out the sale we are having right now!
mystery boxes and bundles offer 100% surprise and I really love coming up with some really nifty new project with a new fiber! Imagine the possibilities! Sometimes, we even make a beautiful scarf or hat for ourselves and I know I love it when someone compliments me on my knitting. Start with love and feel the positive vibe!
6. Retreat From The Everyday
Our mantra here at Darn Good Yarns speaks volumes about the importance of breaking away from the everyday, kicking back, and pampering yourself. Within this thought, we also speak of creative joy and trying unique and mind blowing fibers. You can learn about our story and how creating work for 600 women in India gives us an empowering feeling as well.
Being globally conscious, providing meaningful work, and offering re-purposed fibers creates a meaningful retreat from the everyday; a retreat filled with needles, knitting and nurturing, knowing that you are giving the gift of change while sharing friendship and love. There are many benefits to knitting but some carry more weight. Thanks for joining the change and spreading the joy of that really does have an infinite reach, why yes, it does.