Shedding Some Light - Darn Good Yarn

Shedding Some Light

6 women wearing multicolored saris standing in front of a brick building on an unpaved road, spinning yarn

Hi! Welcome to the third post in this series where we are journeying through the stories of our amazing artisans and also what this business really means to me and my team. This week we are going to talk about one way in particular which we can all come together and support these women even further.

Woman wearing a teal sari, sitting on a concrete floor in front of a wooden yarn swift, winding large amounts of purple yarnRight now we will be donating 10% of the proceeds from each Sari Wrap Skirt sold! When we interviewed each woman, the last question that we asked each of them is how Darn Good Yarn could further support them. Almost every single person came back with the answer that they needed a backup source of light because the power there is just not reliable. So we are going to raise $1000 to send some solar powered lights to the artisans and we need YOUR help! 

Will you join us? CLICK HERE to help Shed Some Light!

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