How To Be More Creative & Inspired (Based On Your Saturn Sign) - Darn Good Yarn

How To Be More Creative & Inspired (Based On Your Saturn Sign)

Written by Michaela MacBlake Matthews

Creative blocks and dry spells happen to the best of us. Life gets in the way, there just aren’t enough hours in the day… Or maybe we do have a few minutes to spare throughout the week, but when the time comes, we just don’t feel inspired, or creative enough in the moment. Today, we’re taking our creative power back! And we’ll be using a counterintuitive method: your Saturn sign.

In Astrology, Saturn is the planet that rules over discipline, tough lessons, restriction, moral obligations, and authority. If you’re thinking ‘that sounds like the exact opposite of creative’ is! That’s why we’re going to learn how to work with it, and reunite work and play to become friendly with each other again.

How To Find Your Saturn Sign

A free birth chart calculator can easily tell you where each planet resides in your natal chart. Websites like and offer free tools to make this happen, usually with breakdowns and interpretations of each placement.

Aries zodiac symbol in a purple and green space scene with crafting supplies and Saturn floating next to it.

Creating With Saturn In Aries

Symbolized by the ram, Aries is a stubborn and fiery go-getter! With Saturn in Aries, lessons around being too bossy or overgiving your energy through micro-management may arise, and can burn you out over time. To work with this energy, make clear distinctions between creations that are for you, and ones that are meant for others. Adjust your process and expectations for each, and be sure to do a bit of both!

Taurus zodiac symbol in a purple and green space scene with crafting supplies and Saturn floating next to it.

Creating With Saturn In Taurus

Symbolized by the bull, Taurus deals with home-turf and steady earth. With Saturn in Taurus, lessons may arise around self-worth, control, wealth, and punctuality. Creativity can end up taking a back burner to survivalism and comfort-zone. To work with this energy, focus on fostering a sense of respect for the value of self care, and make time to finish personal projects. Remember that good mental health is more efficient!

Gemini zodiac symbol in a purple and green space scene with crafting supplies and Saturn floating next to it.

Creating With Saturn In Gemini

Symbolizes by the twins, Gemini deals with quick wit and whipping winds. With Saturn in Gemini, lessons may arise around constantly shifting ideas, self expression, follow-through, and communication. To work with this energy, take on a comparative format, and allow yourself to do the same thing many ways. This could include swatch-work, art journaling, or writing the same story from each character’s perspective.

Cancer zodiac symbol in a purple and green space scene with crafting supplies and Saturn floating next to it.

Creating With Saturn In Cancer

Symbolized by the crab, Cancer deals with what’s behind the shell: emotions and nurturing others. With Saturn in Cancer, lessons may arise around overgiving, self-sacrifice, and enabling. To work with this energy, focus on the strengths of yourself and your loved ones, rather than the needs. Create with victory in mind, and inspire people to help themselves.

Leo zodiac symbol in a purple and green space scene with crafting supplies and Saturn floating next to it.

Creating With Saturn In Leo

Symbolized by the lion, Leo is a proud and social creature. With Saturn in Leo, lessons may arise around self-image, isolation, persona, and genuine connection. To work with this energy, use common trends and themes as starting points, and then add a personal twist. Think about how and why you may do things differently, and what’s good about both renditions.

Virgo zodiac symbol in a purple and green space scene with crafting supplies and Saturn floating next to it.

Creating With Saturn In Virgo

Symbolized by the maiden, Virgo deals with perfectionism and order. With Saturn in Virgo, lessons may arise around stressing over details, deadlines, and numbers. To work with this energy, try a two-phase creation style that begins with typical orderliness, but uses a dash of random energy. This could include knitting a project and dying the yarn afterward, painting wild colors over black and white, or rolling a die to make a few final decisions.

Libra zodiac symbol in a purple and green space scene with crafting supplies and Saturn floating next to it.

Creating With Saturn In Libra

Symbolized by the scales, Libra deals with love, harmony, beauty, and balance. With Saturn in Libra, lessons can arise around relationships, equal give and take, black and white thinking, and finding balance. To work with this energy, focus on creating in or on round or spiraling shapes, and use patterns that follow prime numbers above two: 3, 5, 7, 11. This embraces harmony instead of correcting for symmetry.

Scorpio zodiac symbol in a purple and green space scene with crafting supplies and Saturn floating next to it.

Creating With Saturn In Scorpio

Symbolized by the scorpion, Scorpio deals with transformation, intensity, and depth. With Saturn in Scorpio, lessons can arise around motivations and formative experiences, often journeying between the internal and external world. To work with this energy, practice journaling or talking about the roots of your previous creations, and allow yourself to work on secret projects that you may share with others later.

Sagittarius zodiac symbol in a purple and green space scene with crafting supplies and Saturn floating next to it.

Creating With Saturn In Sagittarius

Symbolized by the archer, Sagittarius deals with travel, forward momentum, independence, and direct aim. With Saturn in Sagittarius, lessons may arise around the philosophy of philosophy itself, learning vs. doing, and the old, ‘if a tree falls in the forest, but no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?’ To work with this energy, look at the bigger picture of how different styles work for different people, and create in a thematic way, exploring different characteristics.

Capricorn zodiac symbol in a purple and green space scene with crafting supplies and Saturn floating next to it.

Creating With Saturn In Capricorn

Symbolized by the sea-goat, Capricorn deals with standards, order, drive, and achievement. Saturn is at home in Capricorn, but it can lead to lessons regarding over-commitment, extremism, and crushingly high standards. To work with this energy, create from the muse of principle and reward, and look to ancient practices for inspiration.

Aquarius zodiac symbol in a purple and green space scene with crafting supplies and Saturn floating next to it.

Creating With Saturn In Aquarius

Symbolized by the water bearer, Aquarius deals with intellect, humanitarianism, and innovation. Saturn is at home in Aquarius, but it can lead to lessons regarding self-reliance, out pacing others, and rushing change. To work with this energy, create in collaboration with others in a their-turn-first manner by taking requests, or asking for opinions on a seedling of an idea. This allows a sense of community, while still allowing the freedom to run at your own pace.

Pisces zodiac symbol in a purple and green space scene with crafting supplies and Saturn floating next to it.

Creating With Saturn In Pisces

Symbolized by the two fish, Pisces deals with self-connected emotions, dreams, and the cause and effect of the inner world. With Saturn in Pisces, lessons may arise involving opening up, vulnerability, interconnectedness, and big-picture thinking. To work with this energy, embrace a randomness-first creative process, by working under colored lighting, starting without a plan, or making use of odd materials.

Meet the Author

Close up of the author, Michaela Matthews wearing red lipstick and a poofy red scarf with white flower arrangement in background.

"Mac" is on the Lifestyle Team here at Darn Good Yarn, and loves taking a ‘teach a man to fish’ approach to creative therapy. She is certified in neuro-linguistic programming, and is also the surreal artist and author behind Surrealismac.