Stretches for those tight muscles - Darn Good Yarn

Stretches for those tight muscles

Stretches for those tight muscles

Did you ever find yourself sitting for hours on end finishing up a project? You try to get up and your muscles are stiff. I am going to post a new stretch each month starting with the top of your body working down to help you relax those tight tired muscles.

Simple neck stretches:

Sit tall with both feet flat on the ground. Take one hand and bring all of your fingers together and place that hand behind your neck as shown in the top photo.

Slowly allow your head to lean back. It will come to rest on your hand as seen in the bottom photo.

This is as far back as you should go. Hold this position and take three slow deep breaths. Then bring your head back up to a neutral position. Repeat this three times.


Another way to relax your neck is with shoulder shrugs. Sit tall with both feet flat on the floor. Raise up both shoulders at the same time and take a deep breath. Slowly lower your shoulders and exhale at the same time. Repeat this movement 3-5 times.

The above is from the booklet “Stretches for those who Knit and Crochet”

Ellen is a certified Fitness Practitioner/Personal Trainer, teaching obtainable lifestyle changes for over 25 years.

Ellen writes and produces fitness DVD’s CD’s and Books of the IsoBreathing program. All are now being sold through the IsoBreathing website.