Can't life be tough sometimes?


Rainy day in Juneau AK

So, today, I'm not going to talk about yarn but just about my day.

I woke up 30 mins late. It's amazing what 30 little minutes can set the whole rest of your day out. I scuttled my hubby out the door and was multi-tasking between brushing my teeth and writing emails... thank God for good thumb coordination and electric tooth brushes.

I was packaging up orders, and the purple tissue paper was flying everywhere...then my tape dispenser hiccuped and I lost the beginning of the tape to close my boxes up. #$@#$!@$!@#. OK, Nicole re-group.

So between running out the door and getting in my car for my hour and 20 minute commute I thought I was going to burn out. I turn the car on, and I forgot I was listening to this tabla music the day before. Woah, it chilled me right out. How did I know I was going to need it this morning?

Then, as I drove to work, I started to remember how much I in fact like this ride because I get to really get into what I'm listening to and it allows me to day dream. And that's what I did. Today I was imagining being in the south of India. I've never been there, but it's one of these places I am just drawn to. And I tried to think of all the colors and new experiences I could go through. And just like that, those 30 minutes which could have had the propensity to derail me (and make me one pissy personal assistant) vanished. It reminded me of places outside of where I was although where I was really wasn't that bad! Mind you, I drive southbound on the 101 into Santa Barbara, so about 30 minutes of my drive is next to the Pacific Ocean.

But, I pose this and post this to you, think about your frame of mind, is it a little off? Sometimes you don't have that luxury of the serendipity of a random tabla cd sitting in your car and you have to do a self-check. This is probably why I love savasana so much.

So maybe you're catching this post right before you hit the hay. Take a few seconds and do a self check. Lay down in your bed, and see where everything is. My husband Mike told me, as he looks back, I think he was ready for nap time some place (how cute:) ), but a teacher said to all the kids, "now just lay there on the floor and pretend like this big heavy liquid is running from the tips of your toes to your spine". Ahhhh, doesn't that sound so relaxing?

Because as Ice Cube says, "Check yourself before you wreck yourself". Perhaps, he wasn't talking about savasana but good words to live by. And if you don't know who Ice Cube is, it's ok:).

Love and peace darlings!